Updating the SpudSoft Excel Emitters in BIRT 4.3.1

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
Note, I've only tested this with BIRT 4.3.1, but it should be the same for 4.3.0.<br />
<br />
In order to get updated SpudSoft Excel Emitters working in BIRT 4.3.1 you first need to completely remove any reference to the version of the emitters that shipped with BIRT.<br />
If eclipse finds any reference to the in-box SpudSoft emitters it will fail to install the downloaded version (I think this is just because it finds the in-box version first).<br />
<br />
What follows is based on a clean installation of BIRT 4.3.1, extracted to "C:\Program Files\eclipse-4.3.1".<br />
If you've already used you BIRT installation there may be more files to modify, after deleting the in-box emitter do a search for "spudsoft" in all files including compressed files - I like FileLocator Pro for this task, but other tools are available.<br />
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(sorry about the formatting of this list, the forum won't let me nest lists)
    <br />
  • Change the permissions on the directory so the users running eclipse can modify the contents.<br />
    I just give Modify rights to Users, but you can be more restrictive if you want.<br /><br />
  • Delete the in-box emitter:<br />
    "C:\Program Files\eclipse-4.3.1\plugins\uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel_4.3.1.v201308301349"<br /><br />
  • Find the files that need editing, for a clean installation this should be:<br />
  • configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\bundles.info<br />
    Delete the one line at the bottom that references spudsoft.<br />
  • features\org.eclipse.birt_4.3.1.v201308301349-DTDN8fGjtEqcbZz0BQWLW07D_cfT\feature.xml<br />
    Delete the 'plugin' element with the id "uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel".<br />
  • artifacts.xml<br />
    Delete the 'artifact' element with the id "uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel".<br />
  • p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine\profileRegistry\epp.package.reporting.profile\1379584392536.profile.gz\1379584392536.profile<br />
    Do this for any profile.gz files:<br />
  • cd C:\Program Files\eclipse-4.3.1\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine\profileRegistry\epp.package.reporting.profile<br />
  • gzip -d 1379584392536.profile.gz<br />
  • Delete the 'required' element with the name "uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel".<br />
  • Delete the 'unit' element with the id "uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel".<br />
  • gzip 1379584392536.profile<br /><br />
  • At this point there should be no files in eclipse that mention spudsoft.<br /><br />
  • (Optional) Delete the old excel emitter files:<br />
  • plugins\org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.config.excel_4.3.1.v201308301349.jar<br />
  • plugins\org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.prototype.excel_4.3.1.v201309131458.jar<br /><br />
  • Copy the BitBucket emitter to the dropins directory.<br /><br />
  • Start eclipse (if this isn't the first time it's started give it the "-clean" argument).<br />
<br />
That's it, what could be simpler :)