webtop docbasefoldertree or any - How to show ordinary files in the tree

edited January 23, 2009 in Documentum #1

I have a problem: docbasefoldertree doesn`t support files for the tree, that is why it is possible called "docbasefoldertree", but I do need to make such kind of tree, which should include ordinary files on press expand, like it does in docbasefoldertree with attributes includeassemblydocuments="true" includevirtualdocuments="true":

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/dmformext_1_0.tld" prefix="dmfx" %>


<dmfx:docbasefoldertree name="docbrowser" includeassemblydocuments="true" includevirtualdocuments="true"/>


Please, help me guys. I really need help.

Thank you.