Getting the session

edited February 4, 2009 in Documentum #1
Hi there,

Here is the story.

I have a Desktop Client component that launches a Webtop component. Both components work fine, however, I have a problem with the session

Basically, in my DTC component, I add to the URL the user name and the ticket of the user and in Webtop, I have an automatic login (based on the one from the EDN) that reads these informations and logs into Dctm to run my component.

I have a few issues with that because sometimes, the ticket has spaces or other characters not properly recognised by the java class.

I was thinking: is there a way, I can from my WDK component get the session info, since I can pass the user name, without passing the ticket so my component, using the user name would find the existing session and use it. Of course, that would have to happen before being logged in Dctm.

Any idea ?

Best Answer

  • DCTM_Guru
    edited February 4, 2009 #2 Answer ✓

    Its part of Java util.  Dont remember the class off hand, but you should be able to find it on the internet


  • DCTM_Guru
    edited February 4, 2009 #3

    You need to pass the ticket (or password) in order for WDK to establish a session.  To solve the problem with special characters, just urlencode the ticket string before passing as url.  Then in your java class, urldecode before establishing the session.

  • Buddy
    edited February 4, 2009 #4

    Hi Johnny,

    Sounds like a good idea.

    Would you happen to know if DFC has some URL encoding/decoding methods so I don't have to reinvent the whell ?

  • DCTM_Guru
    edited February 4, 2009 #5 Answer ✓

    Its part of Java util.  Dont remember the class off hand, but you should be able to find it on the internet

  • Buddy
    edited February 4, 2009 #6

    Thanx again, Johnny, you're the man.