How to get linked and actual folder information
Is there any way to find ,whehere a folder is linked to another folder or it is actually created inside a that folder.
For e.g.
Consider that a user creates a Folder A and Folder B under a Cabinet X using Webtop
Then a user creates a folder A1 under folder A
User then links the folder A1 (created under folder A) to folder B
In webtop a link icon is shown for folder A1 under folder A and folder B
Now if any other user logs in , is there a way he can identify that the folder A1 was created under folder A but linked to folder B ?
Need to know this differentiation of events and whether documentum maintains actual and linked folder information.
Basically, the 1st entry in the folder path attributes is, in most of the cases, the location where the object was initially created.
However, this is not always true, for example, if you remove the link from folder A after linking the object to folder B.
Now, the question would be more, should it really matter ? I'd say it could, if the object you create is suppose t inherit attribute values from the parent folder or parent cabinet because in this case, the parent folder wouls still be A1 but the parent cabinet could indeed be another cabinet all together
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So Francois,
Does it means that documentum webtop doesn't differentiate between linked and actual folder information ?
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I got your point but i fear that I could not find any solution (OOTB) for this .
One solution we have planned to use is to have a custom attribute that stores the parent folder path of the original parent , this attribute value gets populated for import,create , move and copy operations.
Now ,I am just thinking of the impact of this new attribute in case of migration.
The reason why I need to get this information is because we are inheriting values from parent folders only for import,create , move and copy operations. In that case we need to differentiate between linked and actual folder information.
Any suggestions .....
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