Team Site Proxy

edited July 16, 2021 in TeamSite #1
I am using a JSP to invoke a DCT using Open Window. The DCT has CGI callout to another JSP. The application server
is weblogic.
In the iw.cfg file


The DCT CGI URL is ==>

The very first time I click on the CGI Button is not able to invoke the second JSP "BzptCmaApiObjectRead.jsp"

Looking at the access_log in team site I see the error ==> - - [05/Jun/2003:19:22:33 -0500] "POST /sales_and_marketing/WORKAREA/wa/cma/BzptCmaApiObjectRead.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2410 - - [05/Jun/2003:19:22:33 -0500] "POST /cma/;jsessionid=2feadp7V5L1SATUgk3X1zU5V6YTYtCcSI5ME2ABD4wCF0Euc0VRY!-1886118648 HTTP/1.1" 302 5 - - [05/Jun/2003:19:22:33 -0500] "GET /sales_and_marketing/WORKAREA/wa/cma/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1278

The jsessionID is coming from the cookie weblogic's cookie of the child window

If I click the CGI Button the second time it works

The access_log displays - - [05/Jun/2003:19:25:06 -0500] "POST /sales_and_marketing/WORKAREA/wa/cma/BzptCmaApiObjectRead.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2334 - - [05/Jun/2003:19:25:06 -0500] "POST /cma/ HTTP/1.1" 302 5 - - [05/Jun/2003:19:25:06 -0500] "GET /sales_and_marketing/WORKAREA/wa/cma/ HTTP/1.1" 200 6643
Please let me know if there is a solution for this

Edited by skd1 on 06/05/03 06:55 PM (server time).


  • I suggest using [iwproxy_preconnect_remap], rather than external_remap.

    I also suggest setting up your app server so it expects URL paths of the form


    so that you can do the following rule:


    This will help SCE to function.
  • Gaa, just realized that SCE is irrelevant in this case. In any case,
    external_remap is something to avoid.
  • Why not have the callout go directly to the app server, instead?
  • skd1
    The intention was to directly call APP Server. When we directly call the APP server, JSP is not ble to write back to the DCT because of different domains (access denied). That is why we had to go to proxty route. I tried to put the regex in iwproxy_external_remap section but it still does not work. What is SCE by the way
  • skd1
    The problem was on the weblogic site and not on the team site proxy. Thank you for the help
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