
I have some FormAPI code that calls a script on the server.
The script looks as follows:

my $mtagger = Metatagger -> new();
$mtagger->setServerHost("hostname", 9095);

$mtagger->loadDocumentByExt($DCRPath, "");
$mtagger->suggestCategory("category name");
my $test = $mtagger->getMetadata();
print $test;

when executing the script from the cmd prompt I can see that $test does hold tbe metadata in canonical XML format. As I figure setMetadata() should add the metadata to the DCR's extended attributes, but it does not. Is there any problems with doing this, considering that it is a DCR I am doing this on ? any help would be appreciated.


  • getMetadata returns an XML metadata record created by the Metatagger. That metadata record can be saved to EAs by giving it as a file to the command line tool iwmetadata (ships with MT):
    iwmetadata -set metadata.xml <vpath>

    The setMetadata() loads a pre-existing metadata record along with loadDocument...use this if you want Metatagger to augment an already existing metadata record for a document as opposed to creating a new one from scratch. setMetadata does not save metadata to EAs or to DCRs.

    The current Metatagger/Teamsite integration was designed to be called from metadata capture and saved into EAs not called by templating and saved into DCRs. I think upcoming future release will address the later use case. If you need to populate a DCR using MetaTagger you need to include custom code in your script to copy the MetaTagger generated XML format into the DCR format. It is possible that XSLT would help...
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