"Workbench has not been created yet" in E4Application

mystikall Member
edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
Hallo,<br />
<br />
I try to view a report in an eclipse 4 based Application (org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt.E4Application).<br />
<br />
When I start the application, the viewer loads but then shows an error:<br />
"org.eclipse.birt.report.service.api.ReportServiceException: Error happened while running the report.<br />
at org.eclipse.birt.report.service.ReportEngineService.throwDummyException(ReportEngineService.java:1107..."<br />
<br />
In the eclipse concole the following errors show up:<br />
<br />
"!MESSAGE An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui (131).<br />
!STACK 0<br />
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui.ReportPlugin.start() of bundle org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui.<br />
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.startActivator(BundleContextImpl.java:734)<br />
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.start(BundleContextImpl.java:683)<br />
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(BundleHost.java:381)<br />
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.start(AbstractBundle.java:299)..."<br />
<br />
and:<br />
<br />
"Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Workbench has not been created yet.<br />
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.getWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:92)<br />
at org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui.ReportPlugin.start(ReportPlugin.java:304)<br />
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl$1.run(BundleContextImpl.java:711..."<br />
<br />
I start the viewer by:<br />
<pre class='_prettyXprint _lang-auto _linenums:0'>Browser browser = new Browser(parent, SWT.None);
WebViewer.display(path, WebViewer.HTML, browser,"frameset");</pre>
<br />
Where path is pointing at a .rptdesign file which runs fine in the Birt designer preview (also in Eclipse 4).<br />
<br />
I'm really new to BIRT so please excuse if that is a trivial question. :)<br />
<br />
Thanks for your Help!<br />
<br />


  • JasonW
    JasonW Member
    edited December 31, 1969 #2
    Do you have all the BIRT plugins installed?

  • mystikall
    mystikall Member
    edited December 31, 1969 #3
    Hi Jason,

    I installed the everything from the eclipse update manager in the section "Business Intelligence, Reporting and Charting" and added the complete lib of the BIRT reporting engine to the build path.
    Am I missing something?

    Thanks for your advice! :-)


  • mystikall
    mystikall Member
    edited December 31, 1969 #4

    I solved the problem.

    There were really some plugins missing.

  • <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mystikall" data-cid="92167" data-time="1324280146">
    <p>Hi, I solved the problem. There were really some plugins missing. Thanks!</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>I have exactly the same problem. What was your solution? Because in E4Application is imposible to use Platform.getWorkbench(). I'm using eclipse Neon.1</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Thanks for your help!</p>