How can I find the document-name when I know the storage-path on the content-server?

edited May 14, 2009 in Documentum #1


when running a virus-scan on the content-server, I got information about some virus-infected files:

f.e.: ...\contentstorage_01\<customer-id>\80\0c\19\08.exe

Is it possible to find the filename and path with dql to eliminate this file.



Best Answer

  • christineadcock
    edited May 6, 2009 #2 Answer ✓

    The easiest thing I know to do is to run the dm_FileReport job. When the job finishes, open the report and search for that directory path. That will link you up with the Folder and document in Documentum for that file.

    If you really want to be a glutton for punishment you can look at the code for the FileReport job and try to rebuild the data ticket from the physical file path. You could then query the dmr_content objects to see which one has that data ticket and what the parent_id is. That parent_id is then the object_id of your suspect document.

    Happy sleuthing!



  • christineadcock
    edited May 6, 2009 #3 Answer ✓

    The easiest thing I know to do is to run the dm_FileReport job. When the job finishes, open the report and search for that directory path. That will link you up with the Folder and document in Documentum for that file.

    If you really want to be a glutton for punishment you can look at the code for the FileReport job and try to rebuild the data ticket from the physical file path. You could then query the dmr_content objects to see which one has that data ticket and what the parent_id is. That parent_id is then the object_id of your suspect document.

    Happy sleuthing!


  • kodnam
    edited May 14, 2009 #4

    1. Convert to hex number from file path
    \80\05\ff\c2.txt -> 8005ffc2

    2. Convert to a binary number:
    8005ffc2 -> 10000000000001011111111111000010

    3. Invert the value and add + 1
    10000000000001011111111111000010 -> 01111111111110100000000000111110

    4. Convert the value to decimal and add negative decimal sign
    01111111111110100000000000111110 -> 2147090494 -> -2147090494

    5. Execute the following DQL with the above data ticket value

    DQL> select ALL parent_id from dmr_content where data_ticket='<the data ticket>'
    DQL> select object_name, i_folder_id from dm_document where r_object_id='<parent_id from above>'