regular expression in formapi
The regex before doesn't make sense for zeichen=... my text .., it's only an example for using regex in Javascript:
here is a working one
var zeichen = "my regextext";
var x = /(.*)\s+(.*)/;
var name = RegExp.$1;
var text = RegExp.$2;
where name = my and text = regextext
the same in perl is:
$zeichen = "my regextext";
$zeichen =~ /(.*)\s+(.*)/;
$name = $1;
$text = $2;
--Jens0 -
A good quick-reference site is:
They have sections on Javascript, ASP, VBScript, CSS, and others.
This site wouldn't be real helpful if you've never used these languages, but as a quick-reference its great.
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