DCR values on meta-data datacapture.cfg

If you are creating a DCR, and you save and close, kicking off a set meta-data task, is there a way for the DCR.title (title of the document) to be extracted and presented on the meta-data datacapture form?



  • Are you using MetaTagger or the metadata tools that come OOTB with TeamSite?

    Also - please indicate the versions of the products being used and the [server] platform.

    I may not be able to help you directly - but the information for the above will probably help someone else to help you...

    (Interwoven, Curriculum Development)
  • yes! You put this iw_perl snippet in the tpl....
    #sets the metatagger info to whatever is entered in the DCT
    my $title = iwpt_dcr_value('dcr.Title');
    my $html = iwpt_get_ofile_name();
    $html =~ s/\/\.iwmnt//;

    ...where setEA is this (we have it in our Utils module)....

    sub setEA
    my ($file,$eaname,$eavalue) = @_;

    unless ($eaname =~ m|TeamSite/|)
    $eaname = "TeamSite/Metadata/".$eaname;
    my @arguments = ();
    push @arguments, '-s';
    push @arguments, "$eaname=$eavalue";
    push @arguments, "$file";

    my $eaargs = "-s \"$eaname=$eavalue\" \"$file\"";

    if (-e $file)
    {# Set if the file exists
    if ($eaname)
    {# Set if eaname passed in
    print STDERR "iwextattr $eaargs\n";
    `$iwhome/bin/iwextattr $eaargs`;

    Hope that helps,
  • So if I understand correctly, the title of the document (from the DCR) will be captured on the meta-data screen when I run iwmetaproxy.cgi?

    To answer your question fish....

    We are using metatagger
    Windows 2000 installation
    TS 5.5.2
    TST 5.5.2
    MT 3.1.0
  • yes, after doing the above, when you view the meta-data screen, it will already be filled in with the values entered in the DCR... in the example above, our DCT field is named "Title", and our metadata field just happens to be named "Title" as well -- they could be named 2 different things, you'd just have to make the changes appropriately in the code snippet.
  • Where exactly do I put the subEA snippet of code, does it have to be written? Any direction on this would be great (sorry for the newbie approach)

  • I think the subEA code could go inside of < iw_perl> in your tpl, after the other code... though I haven't tried this approach. Ours is in our Utils.pm -- so rather than write the sub setEA code out in the tpl, we just have to make sure to declare "use TeamSite::Utils;" -- you should check your Utils.pm first, our IW consultant set that up for us (might be standard MO?), and it has all kinds of good stuff in it, including setEA.

  • The only utils.pm files I can find are in \iw-home\iw-perl\site\lib\Font\TTF and \iw-home\iw-perl\site\GD\Graph
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