How to change the Data Folder
Hi All,
I had installed the Content Server in C:\ Drive. And my data file also saved in C:\Documentum\Data\ Path.
So how can I change this Data path to another Path like I:\Documentum\Data folder?
Please assist me to do this one. If there is any procedure, Please share the DQL Queries to execute.
This is a very sensitive area to be messing about with. Normally folks would make this change WHEN CREATING THE REPOSITORY!! It is much simpler that way. The more detailed (can not remember what it called) install option allows you to edit the generated scripts. I think it is in headstart.ebs.
To do it after a repository has been created..... as always there are options but you will be messing about with Location and filestore objects. So go RTFM about them.
The simplest option would be to create a new location object and filestore. Then change the default storeage for custom types to that store.
More complex.... i.e. move what you have created.... have not done it... would not do it... figure you need to change stuff at Database level and that not wise unless you really know what you is at
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You can change the file store location for the your docbase. This is required when you are running short of the storage area. The steps you need to follow are as follows:
Listed below are the steps on how to add a new filestore to become the default one. Note: This is a template, please substitute your own directory and names for dm_location and filestore.
Create the new directory.
Create location object.
DQL> CREATE "dm_location" OBJECT
DQL> SET "object_name" = 'storage_05', (you can give your own storage name)
DQL> SET "file_system_path" = 'X:\documentum\data\<docbase_name>\content_storage_05',
DQL> SET "path_type" = 'directory'
If this returns a valid r_object_id then it was created correctly. You can verify all your dm_locations if you want:
DQL> select object_name, file_system_path from dm_location
DQL> go
Create the filestore. Again, this should return a valid r_object_id.
DQL> CREATE "dm_filestore" OBJECT
DQL> SET "name" = 'filestore_05', (you can give your own filestore name)
DQL> SET "root" = 'storage_05'
Set the new filestore as default.
DQL> ALTER TYPE dm_sysobject SET DEFAULT STORAGE 'filestore_05'
Then enter, API> reinit,c
Stop the docbase and app server of your webtop.
For 5.3 - Clean the dmcl cache, search in the Content Server and app server machine for all the dmcl directories and clean them up.
For D6 and up - on the Content Server clear the BOF cache ($DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/cache/bof) and the cache on the Application Server
Start docbase and the app serveryou can check whether your newly created file store is working by importing/saving a new document. This new document should be saved in the location 'X:\documentum\data\<docbase_name>\content_storage_05'
Good Luck
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As others have explained, you can configure the system to use a different directory for new documents.
You can also change the original storage directory (dm_location entry) fairly easily ( if you KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING in the database):
- shut down the docbase/repository
- update the appropriate entries in the dm_location_s table via direct database update commands
(e.g. SQL> UPDATE dm_location_s SET file_system_path = 'I:\Documentum\Data' WHERE file_system_path = 'C:\Documentum\Data' )
- do this UPDATE for all relevant file_system_path entries (typically 4 or 5 records e.g. storage_01, replica_storage_01, etc.
- MOVE the C:\Documentum\Data\ folder to the new location I:\Documentum\Data
- start the docbase
- check the log files and the new directory to make sure it's working as you intended
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