Process Builder Invoke Process

NanoMeko Member
edited April 20, 2012 in Documentum #1


In process builder, I would like the invoke activity to reuse the same packages that are specified in the parent process. However, when the process runs, it shows the standard screen for importing packages and asks me to upload them again.

Here is what I have done so far:

In the parent process invoke process activity:

I mapped the r_object_ids of my packages to the r_object_ids of the child process.

In the child process in the initiate activity:

I enable auto-launch package

In the process builder data properties:

Both packags are visible and mandatory

Anything I'm missing to make this work?



  • VadimYakovlev
    VadimYakovlev Member
    edited April 20, 2012 #2
    NanoMeko wrote:...However, when the process runs

    Can you please clarify? You mean the standard webtop/taskspace task screen?

    If yes, did you try making the package in the child workflow NON mandatory?

  • NanoMeko
    NanoMeko Member
    edited April 20, 2012 #3

    Hello Vadim,

    Yes, the standard taskspace task screen with the links that say upload package. I made sure the "mandatory" box was unchecked from all the activities and reinstalled the process it seems to work now.

  • VadimYakovlev
    VadimYakovlev Member
    edited April 20, 2012 #4
    NanoMeko seems to work now.

    Well, it's good to know, NanoMeko.