Clear the cache to choose the docbase.
Hi All,
I use documentum 5.3 and I would like to choose the docbase every time I log in.
Basically I have that documentum registry the last docbase choose and I would like to choose it each time that I log in.
I tried to delete everything in my local pc (All folders such as: C:\Documentum ; C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Documentum ; C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Documentum and the browser cache) Even thought I have the last docbase registered.
When I go to preferences I have the docbase selected as "favorite" it means that each time I connect I will be redirected to this docbase, if I put this in the left column it will work fine the next time but it will registry again the docbase as favorite when I log in.
So I would like to find the place/file where these preferences are set to clear automatically before login.
Find here the image of preferences.
Thank you very much,
with D6 preferences are stored in global registry in a cabinet named Preferences (Resources/registry if I remember)
But you can check file webtop/wdk/app.xml and change this path
Override it for your application in order not to be disturbed by any other webtop webapp instance
I think you can clear it by code using the preference manager
Hope this helps
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Be a while since I played in 5.3 land, but I do know that WDK/Wedbtop settings used to be stored in browser cookies.
Suggest you delete stored cookies and try again.
Another way to test if I am right, is to use another browser or use another PC. This was why EMC moved to storing user preferences in the repostories in D6
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