Perform Check In operation using DFC only if the document content has been modified

AnujAlex Member
edited July 18, 2012 in Documentum #1

Hello Everybody ,

There is a requirement for allowing the Check-In of a document only if the content of the document being checked in has been modified.

Can you propose a solution as to how to go about this. Does Documentum provide any out of the box solutions which check ins a document only if the content has been modified

Thank You



  • DCTM_Guru
    DCTM_Guru Member
    edited July 18, 2012 #2

    There is no out of the box solution for this - you will need customize your app (eg Webtop).  One way to do this is to calculate a hash key for the content.  There are plenty of algorithms on the internet to do this.  Then always allow "check-in" so that you can calculate the hash key as part of the checkin process.  After the file is checked in, compare the hash key of the CURRENT version with previous version.  If the key is the same, delete the CURRENT version.

  • AnujAlex
    AnujAlex Member
    edited July 18, 2012 #3

    Thanks Johnny .

    We will try this approach and let you if it worked out.

  • Francois Dauberlieu
    edited July 18, 2012 #4

    To add to Johnny's reply

    That will only work if you only allow checking in as a new version, if you allow checking in as the same version, then you will delete it when deleting the current version. Be careful

  • DCTM_Guru
    DCTM_Guru Member
    edited July 18, 2012 #5

    Good point Francois - I should be more explicit on my assumptions.  If you allow save as same version, you actually would NOT have a previous version to compare to.

  • Francois Dauberlieu
    edited July 18, 2012 #6

    Yeap, you've got to be careful, we're not all at your level, actually, reading these forums, you're certainly one of the most knowledgeable, yoo've got to dumb it down for us