Skip jsp page of import component

AlexeyPr Member
edited May 30, 2014 in Documentum #1

Dear developers!

My import in Taskspace customized a little bit:

<component id="importcontainer" extends="importcontainer:webcomponent/config/library/contenttransfer/importcontent/importcontainer_component.xml">

Is there any way in Taskspace to skip <start> page while doing Import after selecting files in <fileselection> page of importcontainer?

Default values of object_name and r_object_type fields which are created will be enough.



  • PanfilovAB
    PanfilovAB Member
    edited May 29, 2014 #2

    Примерно так можно.

    определение действия:

    <action id="silentimport">
        <desc>Imports an object from the local file system to the repository. The user must have a contributor role. The permit value folder_link_permit performs a check for write permissions on the folder when folder security is enabled.</desc>
            <param name="objectId" required="true"/>
            <param name="objectName" required="false"/>
            <param name="ownerName" required="false"/>
            <param name="docbaseType" required="false"/>
            <param name="baseDocbaseType" required="false"/>
            <param name="filePath" required="false"/>
            <param name="parentPath" required="false"/>
            <param name="isDirectory" required="false"/>
            <param name="format" required="false"/>
            <param name="componentArgs" required="false"/>
            <param name="component" required="false"/>
        <execution class="com.documentum.web.formext.action.LaunchComponent">

    Определение контейнера:

    <component id="silentimportcontainer" extends="importcontainer: application='webcomponent'">
                <event name="onOk" enabled="true"/>
                <event name="onRender" enabled="true"/>

    Код контейнера:

    public class SilentImportContainer extends UcfImportContainer {

        private boolean _commitWasTried;

        public SilentImportContainer() {

        public void onRender() {
            if (isCommitWasTried()) {

            String[] paths = getInitArgs().getValues("filePath");

            if (paths == null || paths.length == 0) {


        protected void tryCommitChanges() {
            try {
            } catch (ContentTransferException e) {
                throw new WrapperRuntimeException(e);
            } finally {

        protected final boolean isCommitWasTried() {
            return _commitWasTried;

        protected final void setCommitWasTried(boolean commitWasTried) {
            _commitWasTried = commitWasTried;


  • AlexeyPr
    AlexeyPr Member
    edited May 30, 2014 #3

    Andrew, thanks for a quick answer!

    What is the best place in your example to define attributes for new object (object_name, r_object_type, format name)?