Slowness of Content Server
In my project, Content Server is located in one country and accessing it from that country is fine without any performance bottleneck but when it is accessed from other country far from that continent it is responding very slow. It is not a network issue but access the content server itself looks very slow as when we accessed it from . Could you please suggest any way out ?
Content Server version : 6.6
Application : Webtop 6.6
Best Answer
Well 1st, I'd consider upgading to CS 7.1 and Webtop 6.7 SP2. It seems much faster
2nd. Have you looked into the Branche Office Caching Services BOCS. Seems like that would be the perfect match to solve this issue
Well 1st, I'd consider upgading to CS 7.1 and Webtop 6.7 SP2. It seems much faster
2nd. Have you looked into the Branche Office Caching Services BOCS. Seems like that would be the perfect match to solve this issue
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