Upload a document from File system to xCP Repository using Rest Web-services
Dear ALL,
I was reading the Documentum-xCP-REST-Services-2.1-Development-Guide. But I didn't find an example of how to upload document from File System to Docbase using Rest Web-services.
How to do that?
Kind regards,
Which one ? Could you please point me to the exact tutorial ?
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There are several examples, chose the one that suites your project the most:
Documentum HTML5 REST Client Code Sample
Documentum REST Java Client Code Sample
Documentum REST .NET Client Code
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Well, I figured out that I need the r_object_id to make it work.
But in xCP rest development guide there is no mention of how to use DQL nor get the r_object_id of a folder.
Am I wrong ?
Should I use "dctm_rest.war" to retrieve the r_object_id or there is a simpler way ?
Kind regards,
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Have you checked the links I posted? I haven't usde the xCP rest services but I'm quite sure they work as the documentum rest services do, and you can find examples in the links I posted.
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