DQL to get folder and file name
I need help in getting the folder and the file name from documentum with the help of i_folder_id.
My query :
r_object_id in (select i_folder_id from t_pub_document search document contains '55000')
This gives me the folder path but I alse need the file names which has text 55000.
I tried this but no luck I get error from web service.
select s.object_name, f.r_folder_path
from t_pub_document s, dm_folder f
where s.i_folder_id = f.r_object_id
and s.i_folder_id in (select i_folder_id from t_pub_document search document contains '55000'))
Best Answer
first of all : i_folder_id is a repeating, you need the keyword "any" to be able to query it.
second : r_folder_path is also a repeating and a restriction of DQL is that you can't make a join and put a repeating in the select clause at the same time.
What you can do is something similar to this :
select d.r_object_id, d.object_name, f.r_folder_path from (select r_object_id, r_folder_path from dm_folder) f, (select r_object_id, object_name, i_folder_id from dm_document where FOLDER('/Temp',DESCEND)) d where f.r_object_id = d.i_folder_id and f.r_folder_path is not null;
first of all : i_folder_id is a repeating, you need the keyword "any" to be able to query it.
second : r_folder_path is also a repeating and a restriction of DQL is that you can't make a join and put a repeating in the select clause at the same time.
What you can do is something similar to this :
select d.r_object_id, d.object_name, f.r_folder_path from (select r_object_id, r_folder_path from dm_folder) f, (select r_object_id, object_name, i_folder_id from dm_document where FOLDER('/Temp',DESCEND)) d where f.r_object_id = d.i_folder_id and f.r_folder_path is not null;
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Thanks a lot that idea worked out for us. New query :
select d.r_object_id, d.object_name, f.r_folder_path from (select r_object_id, r_folder_path from dm_folder) f, (select r_object_id, object_name, i_folder_id from t_pub_document search document contains '55000') d where f.r_object_id = d.i_folder_id and f.r_folder_path is not null;
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