Can't override onInit method on VDMList. Please help!

edited April 11, 2016 in Documentum #1

Hello! I am working on this project where I want VDMList component to display only certain documents using dql. However, I am not able to override my code on the onInit method of the VDMList class. See code below:

public class CustomVDMList extends VDMList{

    public void onInit(ArgumentList args) {




     public void updateControl(){

          //my code here



Please help! The approach I used on inbox list worked with updateDatagridControl() method, I tried all methods in the VDMList but so far no luck.



  • DCTM_Guru
    edited April 11, 2016 #2

    I have found that certain WDK components are not extensible.  In this case, I had to create custom component by copying and modifying the original component code.

  • dosti
    edited April 11, 2016 #3

    I see. But how do we know if these classes are not extensible? Other than the fact that  overriding them does not work? I might have to do it the hard way (by creating custom components like you said). I will be posting my results. Thanks for the reply!