D2: How can I dynamically set a value on text field based on a condition in a property page
Hello to all,
On a property page, I would like to dynamically set a specific value in an attribute (in a text field) depending on the value selected for another attribute (in a drop field).
It's easy to get a list of value values for a list dropdown or list box, but that's not what I want. I want the resulting value to be displayed in a text area on the property page.
To better explain the example of the structure:
Control Type | Attribute | DQL Query / User Value / Conditions | Control State |
...SOME FIELDS | |||
![]() | attr1 | DQL Query: SELECT label, value FROM my_val_table List of values: AA, BB, CC | Enabled |
![]() | attr2 | Conditions: if value of attr1 is AA set attr2 value 10 else accept for set attr2 Any value User-typed | Conditions: if value of attr1 is AA set Disable or read only else set Enabled |
Any ideas from you how to do it?
Thanks for the support,
Best Regards, Luca
Just a thought.. might work..
You can have 2 textboxes. and use the visibility conditions to make it visible depending on the conditions..
i.e., if the above field gives value 22, then make one text control visible otherwise another.
if you keep one below the other, there might not be blank space
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