Setting up development environment for developing custom widgets

edited June 2, 2017 in Documentum #1

Hello everyone.

I am trying to develop custom widget, but I was not able to find any guidelines, how to setup development environment. Especially how to debug errors in javascript code.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

PS I've read the xCP Extension points whitepaper, which describes what must be in a component module and how to import it into designer. What I am missing is: Can I debug and test javascript code before importing into Designer and how?



  • dnvhariprasad
    edited June 2, 2017 #2

    if you want to troubleshoot/debug only the UI part, you can add the contents.js file in your favorite IDE which contains all the necessary code to run. However you will not be able to call any SLPs or perform any actions.

    You can use chrome debugger partially to troubleshoot/debug widget