Finding the jar file for a particular Method
Hi All,
In the DA, there is a method that is created by another developer who use to work here before me. I cannot find the JAR file for that method on content server. Is there any way, I can find the jar file for that method. Below is the screen shot of that method.I also looked in the below directory:
Any help will be apprecaited.
Thank You.
The JMS also looks for lib files under here:
If it isnt there, then your develop may have imported the jar as part of module (content file in the repository). Log into DA and look under:
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I found the JAR file under /System/Modules/ How do I export the file to my c:\drive or any drive. I want to see the contents of the JAR file. How can I do that? I trying doing Export, but it did something behind the scenes, but don't know where the JAR file is. Once I get the JAR file, I can extract the contents to my C:\ drive. Below are the screen shot of what I found. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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You could try the following the queries, and identify the location of the jar. by replacing with the exact jar name.
DQL> select * from dmc_jar where object_name like '%Disposition%'
displays folder_locationOR
API>?,c,select r_object_id,object_name from dmc_jar where object_name='Disposition.....jar'
API> getpath,c,09....
Check the bof cache on the content server, you should be able to see the jars.
Rohanna Dodla
Subject Matter Expert (SME), Documentum0
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