Documents are getting Struck in the Workflow


Dear All,

We have Documentum 6.7 and Captiva 6.5,so once documents processed in Captiva Documents are uploading to Documentum and getting initiated Workflow.Some of the Documents are not getting struck in Workflow and throwing error: can some body throws lights here

Wed May 02 11:26:22 2018 074000: 6380[3120] 010032c98000000a [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error: "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a0032c9800bc6d8 of workflow 4d0032c98003551c. The task is using method 'finish_processing'. Activity: 'Finish_Processing'. ."
Wed May 02 11:27:09 2018 231000: 6380[3120] 0000000000000000 Workflow Agent Launching Method TRACE LAUNCH: workitem: 4a0032c9800bc6d9, workflow: 4d0032c98003527b, method: decide_processing, activity: Decide_Processing
Wed May 02 11:27:09 2018 262000: 6380[3120] 0000000000000000 TRACE LAUNCH: .\dmbasic -eDecide_Processing -fE:\Documentum\share\data\common\000032c9\80\00\00\0a\060032c980008b7d.txt -h 7572 -- -docbase_name WMImaging_prd -user "dmadmin" -packageId 4a0032c9800bc6d9 -ticket DM_TICKET=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 -mode 0
dmExec::Launch(E:\Documentum\product\6.7\bin.\dmbasic -eDecide_Processing -fE:\Documentum\share\data\common\000032c9\80\00\00\0a\060032c980008b7d.txt -h 7572 -- -docbase_name WMImaging_prd -user "dmadmin" -packageId 4a0032c9800bc6d9 -ticket DM_TICKET=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 -mode 0 )
Working Directory(E:\Documentum\product\6.7\bin)
Wed May 02 11:27:12 2018 512000: 6380[4856] 0000000000000000 Workflow Agent Launching Method TRACE LAUNCH: workitem: 4a0032c9800bc9af, workflow: 4d0032c98003527b, method: finish_processing, activity: Finish_Processing



  • What does method 'finish_processing' do for Activity: 'Finish_Processing'?

    As this task is OK for single file but randomly failing under load or multiple files, the probably cause is in concurrent modification of a shared resource.... for example:
    1. bulk loads threads/tasks which try to create same folder if does not exist. With random unlucky timing,
    2. two tasks could run the check does folder exist?, answer NO,
    3. hence the two tasks will create same folder. Result one will fail

    Brian Dinneen
    ECD Documentum Designated Support Engineer


  • @Brian Dinneen said:
    What does method 'finish_processing' do for Activity: 'Finish_Processing'?

    As this task is OK for single file but randomly failing under load or multiple files, the probably cause is in concurrent modification of a shared resource.... for example:
    1. bulk loads threads/tasks which try to create same folder if does not exist. With random unlucky timing,
    2. two tasks could run the check does folder exist?, answer NO,
    3. hence the two tasks will create same folder. Result one will fail

    @Brian Dinneen said:
    What does method 'finish_processing' do for Activity: 'Finish_Processing'?

    As this task is OK for single file but randomly failing under load or multiple files, the probably cause is in concurrent modification of a shared resource.... for example:
    1. bulk loads threads/tasks which try to create same folder if does not exist. With random unlucky timing,
    2. two tasks could run the check does folder exist?, answer NO,
    3. hence the two tasks will create same folder. Result one will fail

    After restarting also still documents are getting struck in queue.

  • Hi Brain,

    As per your information have tried to decrease the no.of documents per batch still same issue.

    can you please let us know any other configurations need to check.


  • This question is Awaiting an Expert's Response

    A member posted follow-up response to his opening question, which was initially posted about a month ago, and is awaiting an expert's answer. Can you help, or forward to another expert on your team who can help

    David Sciuto

  • msi
    edited July 23, 2018 #6

    dump workflow object 4d0032c98003551c, check r_exec_os_error value for any lead, also check the content of r_exec_result_id.

    ... to get execution result.


  • Hi Suresh,

    Can you please let me know if you were able to fix the issue. We are also having similar issue with Documentum 6.7 process engine running on documentum 7.2 CS.

  • Hello @Vamsirk.masanam Documentum 6.7 process engine is not certified to run on a 7.2 Documentum Server.

    Brian Dinneen
    ECD Documentum Designated Support Engineer


  • Thanks Brian, Can you please let me know what could be the strategic direction for us to work with Documentum Inbox and workqueue in process engine 6.7.

  • @Vamsirk.masanam - please start a new thread. Its bad etiquette to piggy back off of someone else's thread, since OP may not care about your issue.

  • Vamsirk.masanam
    edited March 11, 2020 #11

    Sure, DCTM_Guru, will create a new one