TinyMCE 4.1.4 (2014-08-21) WET issue


Hi All,
Working in the Canadian government out sites are all forced to be compliant with WET4 (they had let Intranet slide, but that is now changing and driving my issue). In Teamsite 7.3.2x we gave them a textbox (what a headache) as TinyMCE/HTML5/old IE were at war. Having migrated to 8.2x TinyMCE is a bit better but it is rearranging WET component quotes to suit itself, rendering them inoperable.
for example:
<div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 playing" data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 8}'> becomes
<div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 playing" data-wb-tabs="{&quot;interval&quot;: 8}">

If we had a standard TinyMCE something like this could be done:
selector: 'div',
protect: ["/='{[^}]*}\'/g"]

And we could thereby prevent it from touching the particular pattern WET uses for its components. I can't seem to massage that into a form acceptable to

Some help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated

Thank You


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