xCP Sample applications



  • WS1234:

    Here are the available xCMS 2.2 files.

    David Sciuto

  • aveladzic

    Hi, can we have this one too:
    xCP Application Uninstaller v2.x

  • Abdoulaye NDIAYE
    #34 Answer ✓

    @David Sciuto said:
    Ryan: There are seemingly over 100 applications associated with xCP. I have begun to glean them; however, at that large of a number, I will be working internally to make them available through the appropriate My Support repository. That process will take some time. In the meanwhile, if you have a specific application in mind, I can post it here for you.

    Hello David,
    When can we expect the Sample Applications (or some at least) to be available under My Support ?
    Let me know.

  • David Sciuto

    Hello, Abdoulaye,

    Check out my post here for Sample Applications:


    If you still need help finding something specific, let me know. I may be able to help find it for you.

    @Abdoulaye Ndiaye said:

    Hello David,
    When can we expect the Sample Applications (or some at least) to be available under My Support ?
    Let me know.

    David Sciuto

  • Ahmed_Hafez
    Ahmed_Hafez Member
    #36 Answer ✓


    I am looking for xCP xCelerator "The Preview Hookup widget" for xCP 2.3

  • David Sciuto

    Hello, Ahmed,
    I've attached the files you requested. Please let me know if you need further help.

    David Sciuto

  • David Sciuto
    David Sciuto Member
    #38 Answer ✓

    I've attached the files you requested. Please let me know if you need further help.

    David Sciuto

  • Ahmed_Hafez

    @David Sciuto said:
    Hello, Ahmed,
    I've attached the files you requested. Please let me know if you need further help.

    Hi David,

    Many Thanks for your support and fast response.
    Do you have a version of this widget for xCP 2.3 , the one that you have attached is for xCP 2.2 version .

  • David Sciuto

    Hello, Ahmed,

    Unfortunately, there is no xCP 2.3 version of those files.

    David Sciuto

  • Hi David,

    This is of great help, thanks.

    Do you perhaps know of any sample applications or xCelorators that extend the result list widget that uses a grouping function. So you can group by in the result list?


    Mark Hancock
    Solution Architect

  • Hello, can you provide ECM Extensions xCP 2.2 xCelerator?

  • Do we have any xCelerator for Pagination?

  • DCTM_Guru

    What are you trying to do with pagination? xcp 2.3 pagination works fine.

  • gokul1989_1
    edited August 20, 2018 #45

    Thanks DCTM_Guru for your response, Is it possible to paginate results returned from Java Service,

    I have stateless process which returns list of items,

    Im using the created Stateless Process as data source for Resultslist , Can pagination is applicable here , since the query is being executed in Java service .

  • DCTM_Guru

    Is your stateless process querying for data outside of repository? Just curious why you cant use real-time query or advanced query.

  • @gokul1989_1 said:
    Thanks DCTM_Guru for your response, Is it possible to paginate results returned from Java Service,

    I have stateless process which returns list of items,

    Im using the created Stateless Process as data source for Resultslist , Can pagination is applicable here , since the query is being executed in Java service .

    Read xCPDesigner help about Stateless processes. There you will find sub paragraph "Binding stateless process with results list". Here it is explained how to use pagination with stateless process. The same principle you can apply in Java Service, using pattern ENABLE(RETURN_RANGE...

  • @DCTM_Guru said:
    Is your stateless process querying for data outside of repository? Just curious why you cant use real-time query or advanced query.

    Yes I do query on database as well as repository, I'm trying to build search similar to DA Advanced Search, so if its in java service ,will be having flexibility and easier maintenance.

  • @ryan1978 said:

    @gokul1989_1 said:
    Thanks DCTM_Guru for your response, Is it possible to paginate results returned from Java Service,

    I have stateless process which returns list of items,

    Im using the created Stateless Process as data source for Resultslist , Can pagination is applicable here , since the query is being executed in Java service .

    Read xCPDesigner help about Stateless processes. There you will find sub paragraph "Binding stateless process with results list". Here it is explained how to use pagination with stateless process. The same principle you can apply in Java Service, using pattern ENABLE(RETURN_RANGE...

    Thanks Ryan , i will try out this, thanks for your image

  • Hello there,
    It's possible to post the excel xCelerator?

  • Hi @David Sciuto ,

    Do you have the latest Demo Toolbox xCelerator?

    Thank you,

  • @ronieranoy said:
    Hi @David Sciuto ,

    Do you have the latest Demo Toolbox xCelerator?

    Thank you,

    Hi Ronie, for what version of xCP are you looking for. Apparently 16.4 you have to pay for now. 2.3 is still ok though.


    Mark Hancock
    Solution Architect

  • Hi @mark_r_hancock ,

    It is 2.3.

    Thank you,

  • @ronieranoy said:
    Hi @mark_r_hancock ,

    It is 2.3.

    Thank you,

    Here we go

    Mark Hancock
    Solution Architect

  • Hi @mark_r_hancock ,

     Thank you for the file.

    Best regards,

  • Hi @mark_r_hancock ,

    Do you also have the documentation file for the Demo Toolbox?

    Best regards,

  • Hi @mark_r_hancock ,

     You mentioned that the Demo Toolbox 16.4 is not free, where can it be purchased and what is the cost?

    Thank you,

  • Hi,

    Do you have a copy of the D3 charts xCelerator for xCP 2.3?

    Thank you,

  • Hi!
    Anybody have the D3 charts xCelerator for xCP 2.3? It will be highly appreciated.

    Best regards,

  • @David Sciuto and All,

    Would you happen to know where I could find xCP sample applications similar to the attached images. Seems like all the links point to older EMC links that are now broken.

    For example this one that is meant to point to the sample application dedicated page: https://community.emc.com/docs/DOC-38042

  • @JoshuaMartinez said:
    @David Sciuto and All,

    Would you happen to know where I could find xCP sample applications similar to the attached images. Seems like all the links point to older EMC links that are now broken.

    For example this one that is meant to point to the sample application dedicated page: https://community.emc.com/docs/DOC-38042


    please take a look this post