The following steps describe how to sign up for free trial access to Metastorm M3.
- Go to
- Click the purple rectangle that reads "Request Free Trial Access to Metastorm M3 Today"
- Read the License Agreement. If you agree to the terms click the "I Agree" button otherwise click the "Decline" button.
- If you Agree to the License Agreement you will need to complete the following required fields:
- First Name – Type your first name.
- Last Name – Type you last name.
- Email Address – Type your email address. This will be your login name for M3.
- Company Name - Type your company's name. This will be used as the name of your organization within M3.
- Job Titile - Type your job title
- Phone Number – Type your telephone number.
- Country – The country in which you reside.
- Password – Type the password that you will use to log into M3. The password must be at least eight characters long and contain a special character, such as @ or $.
- To complete the sign up request click the 'Submit request' button.