Deleting old versions of procedures

When you delete an old version of a procedure in v9, it doesn't delete the corresponding row in eAssembly.


Please can this be changed at some point? Having just migrated all my procedures from v7.6 and tweaked as necessary till it works, I have a lot of old versions of procedures already and my database is seriously bloated. Most of the space is taken up by the eAssembly table. If the assembly versions aren't deleted when I delete the procedure version, I don't even want to think about how big my database is going to be after a couple of years.


I assume there's not going to be any side-effects if I go and delete them manually?



  • How do I delete all old versions of a project in one shot?

  • Carolyn - Thanks for the feedback about the eAssembly record not being deleted.  I will log that issue and have is corrected in a future version.  You can still manually delete the rows in question provided that you have no folders in a stage associated to the old projects versions.  This can happen if you delete a stage from a process and redeploy while still having folders in that stage.  You should be able to see which assembly versions could still be used with the query:


    SELECT distinct eAssemblyname FROM eFolder,estage

    WHERE eFolder.eMapName = eStage.eMapName

    AND eFolder.eStageName = eStage.eStageName


    Abhilash - You can delete all versions of a project by right clicking on the project name in the repository tree of the admin tools.

  • But that is like un-deploying the project. What I want is to delete all non-current versions of a project. Eg: If I have deployed a solution 100 times, only the 100th version will be the active one. I want to delete all the other versions from 1-99 in one shot.

  • I mis-understood.  There is no function for that in the Admin Tools.  I'll add the suggestion to the list for possible inclusion in a future.

  • Actually, I believe there is ...


    In the Admin tools, Metastorm Repository tab, when you click on the project, all its versions are listed.  The first column is an X which indicates you can delete that version.  (At least doing so implies that version has been deleted.)


    The attached image implies I removed v3 anyway ....

  • You can delete older versions individually.  I was taking the question to be to delete all old versions at once.

  • The original, or second, post did mention "all in one shot".  That didn't click in my head before responding.


    Having a delete older would be a nice feature though ... expecially in the development database where we have to deploy several times while debugging.  Occasionally, I just take several hours to purge old versions one-by-one, though I admit that's not too often.


    Production isn't so bad as those are "official" versions, not the dozens of "try this" versions like in development.

  • What about this problem? We have, but it doesn't delete record from eAssembly table.