V9 Open folder error



I have an odd problem which I haven't been able to narrow down while opening folders in V9 via an external application, any help or work-a-rounds greatly appreciated! 


We are using V9 SR2 Hotfix 2 with SSO enabled on Windows Server 2008, MS SQL Server 2008.The application is desktop based and launches an IE8 window as a popup using this Url format:




When an IE instance has already been opened and holds an active session everything is fine, if the app launches a new instance of IE however on occasion (more often than not, not always on opening but sometimes on switching folder tabs) we receive the following error:


Failed to execute 'start action'. Method 'SqlServerDatabaseConnector.UpdateAction', parameter 'actionName' is null or empty.


This is becoming a major annoyance to users and will only get worse as we roll out more M9 processes in the near future. I have found a similar error described on the forum for the Office integration tools but it only lists it as a known error with no ETA on fix.






  • We are also having the same issue. Has anyone come up with a solution for this issue?

  • We have found that there seem to be two URLs needed for SSO. I documented it here somewhere, but was told that only one was needed (which is not the case).


    As you see, one workes when IE is not open, but there is another that works when IE is already open, or at least if you are logged in to Metastorm. We have no resolution as the problem is not recognised.

  • I believe we have determined the issue. The URL to open a blank form per Metastorm Web Client Configuration Guide is http://<Web Server>//eForm.aspx?Map=&Client=External[&Action=. This doesn’t work correctly. The correct URL is http://<Web Server>//eForm.aspx?Map=&Action=I&Service=Metastorm%20BPM%20Server.

  • I tried the documented URL with no service parameter with IE 8 closed and IE 8 open against a system using SSO and it seemed to work fine for me. Could there be some other detail which is causing problems on these systems?

  • I am having an issue with this as well. I am using the following to try and open the form.

    http:///Metastorm/eForm.aspx?Map=cmAdminGroup&amp;Action=Adm&#95;CMList&amp;Service=Metastorm BPM Server


    What is happening is the eform.aspx begins loading and just hangs. No errors in any of the logs. I am using IE 7

