v9 and Visual Studio 2010 using DLL


just information:

If you want to use a DLL in MBPM v9 do not use the VS2010 to create the DLL because of some Problems. After copy the DLL to the Customer Lib Directory

  1. The DLL can’t be found in Namespaces (using).
  2. Any code generation failed.

To fix this issue:

Use Visual Studio 2008 to create the DLL.





  • Hi,


    Can you go into more details for this - is it only for some scenarios?  I've been using VS2010 with no issues together with V9 so far?





  • Are you creating the DLL targeting the .NET 3.5 or 4.0 Framework?

  • Hi,
    i create the DLL with VB.NET on:
    VS Studio 2010 V.10.0.3...
    .NET Framework 4.0.3...

    German Version ... maybe that’s the problem.

    the same DLL create on:

    VS Studio 2008
    .NET Framework 3,5 SP1

    German Version.

    Works fine.


    CODE (example):

    Namespace mynamepace1

        Public Class myclass1

            Public Function myfunction1(ByVal wert As String) As String

                Dim ergeb As String

                ergeb = wert + " <-- Test"

                Return ergeb

            End Function

        End Class

    End Namespace

  • I have been able to use VS 2010 as long as you target the .NET 3.5

  • I have a question about 9.1.3
    because it is now build on top of .net 4.0 as I understand, so should I recompile all my dll on .net 4.0?

  • No, that's not necessary. Older versions will work as long as appropriate .NET frameworks are installed on the machine.