Capability Modeller - help please!


I am a new user of PV, so this may be a trivial question...

I have a capability model that I am importing from Visio. The capabilities are drawn as rectangles. There are large rectangles for parent capabilities. Inside these are smaller rectangles for child capabilities.

The model seems to import OK into a PV Capability Model, but whenever I then try to move one of these rectangles, all the others jump around the screen.

How can I set it up so that the rectangles stay where I put them, rather than self-arranging themselves every time I move one?






  • Laurence what version of PV are you using?

  • Hi Laurence,


    Can you attach an image of how your model appears prior to moving an object, and then how it appears after trying to move a single object?



    Matt Michael

  • Matt,

    I think several VISIO + ProVision users have nested object situations.  Was this issue ever resolved?



  • Hi Michael,


    Without a concrete example to test against I can't say for sure.  I ran some simple tests and I was unable to recreate the behavior described in PV v6.3.0.



    Matt Michael

  • Hi


    I've only ever seen the behavior you talk about when I've tried to show the children objects within a parent object - I guess nested is the term as per the other comments


    The only style the capability model supports is one where the objects do not encroach on one another, and the parent child links are drawn between the objects, and visible. 


    I would suggest trying to import into a Navigator 1st, which will support any object and any link, and will support a nested view.  You can then create a capability model for the parent object, and then copy all the children too it.  In this case the style of the parent will be as per the default in the modeling language.


    If you want to maintain the same style for your parent object apply it to one of the children by selecting the parent, then shift select a child, right click, select format then copy style. 


    Once you copy the children to your new capability model you can use the same technique to copy the style to your parent object, and then use one the other children to return the style to your triangle shape (assuming that's what you want).


    Alternatively If you copy the shape styles you want from Vision into a model they will show up in the drawing Gallery, give them a unique name, than you can use the gallery drawings (select, drag, and put over the object and like magic the style changes).