Ideas for managing grid data that needs to be reviewed

Hi, I am seeking some input on how people would go about handling a unknown quantity of records that a user may want to modify but requires the changes to be reviewed before becoming live.


The scenario I have is the user may want to edit one or more rows of data that is related which I was planning on showing in a grid, but before the changes are pushed to the seperate DB, the changes need to be reviewed and may be rejected or further changes are required.


My thoughts so far is to have a quey BO that will allow the user to select a row which then populates form fields for them to edit and when they press an Update button, it puts the records into a temp table.  During the review stage the reviewer is presented with a grid showing the changes put forward, and after this push the data (if approved) to the live DB.  Would this be considered a good solution?


I look forward to hearing any thoughts on this.








  • Yes, that sounds like the best plan.


    We tend to use an editable grid for these situations, that is the only difference. The user can select 'Yes' 'No' or 'Modify', for example. Sometimes it is not possible though.

  • So, instead of using the form fields that get populated after the user selects a row, create a table based BO?  Interesting, I haven't done too many editable grids, so will look at this just for the challenge ;)


    Thanks for your assistance Jerome, greatly appreciated.


