V9 designer not opening after an error.

I have a 7.6 form that was converted through the migration tool to v9 and when I went into to the properties of a label I got the dreaded red X in the properties pane and the error message that goes with it. No big deal I'll just quit and re-open, I have seen this before. However, this time the designer will not open back up. I checked the error logs and received this message: System.InvalidCastException' occurred and was caught. I logged off and logged back into the server, same thing. I rebooted, same thing. I cleared my temporary files, same thing. Other users on the same server are not having this issue. Can anyone help?




  • Do you mean others can open the same file and do not get the same problem? If so, sounds like a cache error to me. The Designer seems to suffer from these a lot.


    We typically find and delete temporary files. We are trying to document these in a thread here, as they are not documented anywhere, and seem to get put all over the place in a fairly random fashion:



  • I have been working on other solutions without issue while he has been trying to address his situation ... we are both working on the same server since we are in an early conversion environment.


    I just opened his solution, was able to open the form he had his X item on, clicked on a few items on the form itself, and was able to save his solution and "save as" into a different location.


    So it must be something with his set-up even though we are both on the same server.

  • Thanks for the help it was the isloatedStorage fodler that needed cleared. FYI, under for x86 the directory is located at:


    c:\documents and settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\