Purging MIM Database

We have been running MIM since 2007. We have been through one major upgrade to 8.5.0 and several minor ones. Over time we have accumulated many orphan status records in our DB. These records are incomplete or failed integration status records that did not get purged by the regular DB record management processes built into MIM.


Does anyone have vetted DB cleanup scripts or suggestions for a way to purge the DB of all records over a certain age? There are several tables to purge.




Thanks, Nick Polazkowyj



  • Ethan Beisher
    Ethan Beisher E Community Moderator

    Check the information about purging the Status Database in the System Administrator Guide (Section 14.3.1). Other customers have altered the StatusSummary.xms to perform the functionality you are looking for. Specifically, changing the filter to use the Start Time rather than the End Time will grab all records rather than ones that have completed.


    As with any scripting change, ensure you do sufficient QA to verify that the new functionality is performing as desired.