How to change a SSO DB to a Non-SSO Environment

There are instructions for making Metastorm SSO, but I need to go the other way.  I have a new test environment and I want to attach a copy of a production database to it.  The production database is configured for single sign on.  I don't want that for my test environment, so I need to un-configure the single sign on feature.   Can someone tell me how to do that? 



  • Solved it myself.   Here is what I did in case this helps someone in the future.


    I had created a new test environment that was non-SSO.   I wanted to use a copy of our production database to use for it.  When I changed he database connector to point to the copy of production, I got the "This system is configured for single sign on...." message.    I knew that it had to be something in one of the tables, because it worked fine if I pointed it back to the db that was created with the install.   The way I fixed it was to delete the rows in eAttachment table of the production copy db  that were as follows:


    1 oa authproc.xml

    1 oa eSSO_Web_DomainRemoved.js

    1 oa eSSOError.js

    1 oa euser.js


    I then used SQL Import/Export tool to copy the 1 oa authproc.xml and 1 oa euser.js  rows from the database that was created by the installer.


    Problem solved.  It no longer gives me the incorrect message about the system being configured for single sign on.  I get the login prompt, can log in, and can see all my production data in my new test enviroment.  


  • The authentication scripts can be added/removed using the relevant admin tool for your version.