Mandatory Fields and Actions of Grid

Doubts have two,

Feel like a piece of information.

Is there any way to work with mandatory fields on the screen dynamically at runtime. Example:

In determining the time I need a field no longer optional and is to be hidden or read-only dynamically.

Using the Grid there is some possibility that I create a button that captures the efolder selected within the grid?

I await an answer,




  • You can hide and show fields using the 'visibility depends on' property of that field. There is no way to make a field optional, required or read-only using this approach, however. You can use multiple fields, but this is awkward before version 9 where we have form variables to use.


    As for the folder id in the grid, you would need to be more specific. You can open a folder from a grid if there is a folder id in the grid. You need to make the field name eFolderId in version 7, and in version 9 specify as a Folder column. You could also set a variable on the form, and have a button set to open a folder and set the folder id to that variable.


    I would need more information on what you are trying to do, and more importantly for most of this, what version you are using.

  • Thanks,

    I'm using version 7.

    Regarding the first doubt I need to work with dynamic binding and not fixed in an action.

    For example: When a form is opened, depending on the stage or any information I would apply the requirement to dynamically while fixed in one action.

    In relation to the grid I do not understand. My situation is I need to create a button outside or inside a grid and after clicking the button and capture the efolder work on captured data.

    Thanks for the info.

  • I'm sorry, but I don't understand either of those issues. I do understand it is difficult when English is not your main language - I would have problems with any other language.


    I think there is a word missing:

    "When a form is opened, depending on the stage or any information I would apply the requirement to [word here?] dynamically [or  here?] while fixed in one action."


    "My situation is I need to create a button outside or inside a grid and after clicking the button and capture the efolder work on captured data."


    You can have a button outside the grid (not inside) but what is in the grid, and what do you want the button to do?

  • Not sure if I understand you correctly either, but here's what I think you meant:


    1. You want to dynamically change field behaviour on a form, depending on some critera, ie make a text field be optional instead of mandatory if something else happens on the form..? Best way to do this, would be using some client side scripting (jscript), and use some element attributes to set field properties like visibility etc... 


    1. You want to display a grid's selected row data in a field on the form (in this case the eFolderID?)

    Assuming eFolderID is one of your columns in your grid, for example col no 3 (with index starting at 0), you can set the 'When user selects row' action to assign the value of that column to you variable, eg. %txtFolderID:= %User.Input[3] or %txtFolderID:=%field.MyGrid[3]