Saving a notebook as a PVW file

I don't seem to be able to save a notebook as a file anymore (6.3).  Anyone else seen this?



  • Hi Ira,


    What specific steps are you following?  If I have a notebook open in a local repository I am able to go to File -> Save As -> File and save without a problem. Likewise I am able to checkout data from KE to a .pvw file without problems.




  • Just as you describe. I have an open repository (local) with an open notebook.  From the context menu or the main Provision menu, I choose Save As and File and get nothing after that.  No response, no dialog to select name, nothing.

  • Hey Ira,

    Can we investigate this further via ticket? I'm going to need additional information and potentially your data-set.

    To log a ticket login to MCC, click on Support -> Click ProVision Support Site and click 'Submit Case'. For the ticket info/description, you can ask for me (Matt) and I can fill in the existing details for you. Unfortunately I can't open the ticket in your name at this time, but when we change our ticketing system I will be able to do this (we hope to have our new ticketing system rolled out soon).

    Thank you,
    Matt Michael