Expression Builder and Promoted Functions

It seems that when you have a reasonable number of promoted functions the ribbon bar of the expression builder gets a little screwed up.  See image. v9.0.3.3




  • That is quite a few new categories that you have!  This is a known issue with ribbon bar's resizing for when there are more items than space allows. 


    Did you know that you can create sub-menus by naming multiple functions to the same category with the same Alias?  For example:



    [Category("Test Category")]

    [Alias("Test a")]

    [Description("Returns hello")]

    public static string Testa()


    return "hello";




    [Category("Test Category")]

    [Alias("Test a")]

    [Description("Returns hello plus the value entered.")]

    public static string Testa(string a)


    return "hello"+ a;



    This should help.  You can also promote items into existing categories.  To promote to existing categories, you must use the catagory name as appropriate: 

    • Commands
    • Document
    • NumericFunctions
    • Logical
    • TextFunctions
    • FileSystem
    • UsersAndRoles
    • DateTimeFunctions
    • FolderInformation
    • MetastormDatabase
    • Directory


  • Thanks Rob,


    I have five categories from scripted objects with around 30 or so methods between them plus 4 web services, and of course by default these take a category each.  I have tried changing the captions on the web services to 'group' them together but by doing so I seem to loose some of the published functions from the resulting drop-down :smileysad:


    This is not a great problem for me as I make little use of the expression builder in practice but it may affect others and of course it doesn't look great.