Triggereing another process in or out of the project.



I am a newbie to Metastorm. I have a requirement to trigger another process within or out of the project. Could any one suggest me how to do it in V9?


Requiremnt in detail:

Have 2 processes --- > Process A and Process B.

At particular stage of the process A , it should trigger Process B. I dont want the Process B as a subprocess, also i dont want to wait for the result from Process B.


I just want to trigger the Process B, and it should work independently.


Please help me in acheiving this.







  • Hello Sundeep, this can be achieved with flags.
    Define flag in process B (for example, "FlagB") and execute this process with flag action. You need to set FlagB to invoke this action.
    In process A you can use RaiseFlag activity and raise a FlagB. FlagB must be unique name, because you can raise any flag form any process.
    I can send you an example, if you wish, but it's not difficult.

  • Hi,


    Thanks for your suggestion...

    It would be great if you can send me the example. :)




  • Hi,


    I have did the same as you suggested, but when i am trying to run the process, it is not working fine,.


    Issue : I have implemented this flag in my 2 step, i am creating the case using blank forms, after that it is taking a very long time to show the created case in the to-do list. most of the times i am not able to see the created cases. i have checked the logs using the Admin portal, there are no errors in the logs. but i am not able to see the case in the todo list. FYI i logged in with the admin previleges so there are no issues of accesssing the application too... .


    Some times i am able to see the cases in the to-do list but when i am submitting it, it is not triggering the other proces, where i have implemented the flag. i have configured mail which needs to be triggered after raisin the flag, even that was getting triggered successfully. but the other process is not getting initiated (in the sense, new folder is not getting created for the other process.)


    Could you please help me in resolving this issue....



    Thanks in advance
