Change Page header


I have a client that wants to change the Metastorm Web client (9.1)  look a bit, one thing is to change the Metastorm

logo in the upper right hand corner which is not the problem.

How to change the logo is described well in the 'Web Client Configuration Guide'


What they want to change is the page title, see attached picture. Today the page title is "Metastorm BPM" and my client wants to have another page title, does any one know how to change that text?






  • You can change this title in %MetastormInstallPath%\BPM\Web\App_GlobalResources\BpmResources[.Locale].resx files.

    Look for parameter "ApplicationTitle" in this file and you can edit its value.


    For editing you can use any resource editor that can work with .resx files. Anyway you can open it with notepad :)

  • Thanks a milion Arsenij you saved my day, I did not think of looking in the resource files!


