Convert notebook from 6.3 to 6.2

Hello everybody,

can I covert a notebook which I created in PV 6.3 back to the 6.2 version without creating everything again in 6.2.

I created a notebook in 6.3 and sent it to a collegues , he only has 6.2 and cant update right now. he gets now the error message cant open notebook cause 6.3 format. How can I solve that issue? Is it possible to save the notebook as a 6.2 forma even if i use 6.3?

WOuld be happy for any ideas. Thanks a lot.






  • Hello Chris,


    Unfortunately once a notebook has been converted to a new schema, it cannot be reverted.  One thing you could try is exporting your notebook using CIF, and then have your colleague import using CIF.


