Dropdown, List Options and Business Objects

I am having a heck of a time figuring out these business objects...  What I want to do is take the results of the query and populate a drop down.


I created a business object of type "query", which tests out just fine.


I added a drop down to the form added a variable and need to fill the list options.


When I select List Options, then select option "From a Business Object", I cannot see that particular business object.


Is there something special that I need to do in order to see and use this BO? 


This is version 9.1...



  • You need to drag the Business Object from the Toolbox onto the form that contains the dropdown, which will create an instance of the BO for usage on the form (you should see it in the "Data Access" window once it has been added).  Then you can use that instance of the BO on any of the form fields used on that form.


    Alernately, if you don't anticipate needing to re-use that query anywhere else in the process (other forms or within the map itself - which by the way, you need to drag from the toolbox onto the map if you want to use BO data within the map events), then you can simply load up your dropdown list options by choosing the "from a Select statement" option rather than from a BO, and just enter your SQL query right there.

  • Thank you for the quick response.