Business Object - page size - Non Grids

If I set the BO default to a page size of 25 and set the List Options to pull from that BO, 25 records will be shown.


How can I cycle through to the next 25 set of records?  Or is the page size really for use with a grid use only and I should always set page size to None for non-grids?



  • You are right, this is only for grids, at least 'out of the box'. I imagine you could make a Business Object reload its page. I would be interested to see if it works. I notice that the CurrentPage property is writeable, so perhaps that would work.

  • Jerome
    This looks interesting but I think not usefull at all. Even if you have big amount of data. in this case you should not use drop down or use it with some additional filter field.
    For this cases we have our own dictionary control which allow:
    - full text search on list
    - auto decrement of rows while typing part of word
    - return to client many values
    and few other gadgets.
    This approach allow us to have faster mbpm form and less data traffic on network.