How to create new repository in KE?

Please let me know the procedure to create new repository on KE server?





  • Hi Abbay,


    I would advise reading the installation Documentation. I'll give you a high level overview of what you should be doing though (for a Tomcat install):


    1. Create a new empty database, and assign a SQL user to have ddl_admin, reader, and writer on that DB.

    2. Stop Tomcat.

    3. Configure KE using the Configurator Editor to add a new user repository.

    4. Make sure your updated KEServer.xml is in the tomcat/conf/catalina/localhost directory.

    5. Start Tomcat and verify your added Repository.



    Matt Michael

  • Matt..Thanks for quick Reply.


    Is there any way we can create this using ProV?

  • Hi Abbay,


    No, you cannot create KE repositories using ProVision. You must have administrative access to the servers hosting KE and your DB.


