Unable to start Metastorm process engine

I am UNABLE to start the "Metastorm process Engine" service in services.msc. I get the following error:


"The Metastorm Process Engine service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs".



I did the following but still facing the same issue:


  1. services.msc -> Metastorm process engine -> properties -> Log on -> Changed from ".\metastormlocal" account to "Local system account"

  2. I have reset the password for the "metastormlocal" account.

  3. I have cleared the application log in event viewer and increased the log file size.

  4. I have checked Metastorm process engine's dependency services and are all in started state:

a. COM+ System Application

b. Distributed Transaction Coordinator

c. Remote procedure call (RPC)

d. SQL server (MSSQL SERVER)

  1. Restarted the main server as well.



More details

  1. Metastorm version: 7.6.x (by checking the registry)

  2. Services.msc -> Metastorm process engine service -> Start up type -> Automatic (delayed start)

  3. Web server (IIS),  Engine server and Database server are all in the same server (VM).



  • have you try rebooting the vmware? or try to change the start type in the services.msc instead of automatic change it to manual, and after a reboot that you have done start the service, or run the exe of the eengine in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Metastorm\BPM\Engine\eEngine.exe". I'm just also new it this but you can try it also :)

  • I have restarted the server. Changed the services startup type but nothing worked.

  • Hi,


    Couple of things worth checking.

    1. Is the SQL Server service running and you are able to connect to your database server before starting the engine?  In other words, is the database server working as expected independant of the Metastorm engine.


    1. Is there any additional details in the event viewer regarding why the engine didn't start?
        You might see a couple of errors in a block for the Metastorm Process Engine.


    1. Settings that might be worth playing around with are the options on the "Security" tab within the Metastorm Engine Component via Component Services.  Turn off "Enforce access checks for this application", maybe toggle the security level.

    If you are only setting up a dev machine then I'm guessing you are only trying to get the engine running, so playing with these settings shouldn't matter too much.


    If you can see a better error in the log, then post it up and I or someone on here will almost have certainly came across it.


    Good luck
