users can open two instance of the same folder

Ihave found this problem :

users can open two instance of the same folder


The steps to follow to reproduce the issue are the following:


-          From to do list select a folder, open it and select an action

-          From to do list you could select the same folder, this second selection has to be forbidden


If we proceed clicking ok, the folder move to the next stage, if we click ok in the other form opened we obtain the error “An error occurred in this process…”.


Is it possible to avoid that user can open a folder already opened in the same session?



  • Hi Michael,


    When you click the action on the second opened form do you not see this error "This Action cannot be invoked for this folder any longer." instead of the generic "An error occurred..."?


    As you are probably aware this error is caused because the folder is either locked by another user or has moved from the stage it was at when the page loaded, so the actions may not be available to that folder any more.


    Your options to get around this are either:

    1. Train your users not to open lots of the same folder and click the same actions again.

    2. Develop your own front end so you can reload the contents into a named window.  (Bit more work I'd imagine)


    I appreciate this isn't the best answer for your problem, but I think this would be a product change and might be worth raising it in the "Ideas" section for review.

  • Do you think that it's impossible do any workaround to resolve this problem?