Dropdown list in editable grid loses value



I have an editable grid on a form based on a table business object. One of the fields is driven by a dropdown list.


This was developed and all working fine on my local machine. However, now I have deployed it to our UAT environment I get the following behaviour; the dropdown list is visible and selectable but when the user moves off that control, the value is blank.


Has anyone else come across this issue?







  • With help from the BPS Helpdesk, this issue has been resolved by making the following changes to the web.config file on the web server:


        <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script">
        <directoryBrowse enabled="false"></directoryBrowse>
            <add value="Default.asp"></add>
            <add value="Default.aspx"></add>
            <add value="Default.htm"></add>
            <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE7"/>


    I also had to remove the Interop.ADODB, Metastorm.Runtime.Core and Metastorm.Runtime.Types DLLs from the Web\bin directory on both the application and web servers.


    Personally, I think the actual fix was the addition of the custom header in the config file but hey, it’s working now.