MBPM V9 Dynamic Roles
Hi all,
I'm trying to address a list of user (Using SelectSQL) to a process variable so it grants these users the targeted dynamic role (as we were doing in version 7).
MyRole is populated by a Map1Data.memMyVariable.
I can't fix it, I only recover the first member of the list of user.
Does anyone have a clue, it was so obvious in version 9.
I finally have found a solution, here it is:
memTDLUser= SelectSQL(Select eUserName from eUser Where ....)
Create a server script methodpublic static List ReturnCleanList(string MyList) { string MyReturnList=""; MyReturnList=MyList.Replace("\t",","); MyReturnList=MyReturnList.Replace("\n",String.Empty); MyReturnList=MyReturnList.Replace("\r",String.Empty); return List.Convert(MyReturnList.Split(',')); }
Use it in the formula Role : ServerScript1.ReturnCleanList(MyProcessData.memTDLUser)
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thank you Pierre for sharing!
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