MBPM - Validating procedure Error - Map has a stage with a Duplicate name to a stage
We are testing our maps after upgrading our Metastorm from version 7.5 to 7.6. There is a map and whenever we tried to publish it, we are receiving the following error:
Validating procedure Error - Map "****" - has a stage "ZZZ" with a
duplicate name to a stage contained in Map YYY.
We could publish it without any issue in 7.5.
It will be highly appreciated if someone could advise how to solve this problem.
Thank you.
With Regards,
The .xep may be "corrupted in a way", retrieve a new version from version 7.5, and try to republish it on server 7.6.
The stagename (eStageName Column) is stored in eStage table and unicity is garanted with PKs on emapname and estagename.
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Or retrieve it from the 7.6 and "re"publish.
Try both.
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