datetime format in read only grid column


how could i format datetime column of a read only grids?
Now, if in Designer i select Type=DateTime and Format=Both in column configuration, in Web Client it display the datetime without seconds (only day/month/year hour:minute).

How could i change the default time format in datetime columns?




  • Within MBPM, presuming you don't want across the entire system (and I don't know if that's possible) my guess is you would have to convert your date/time into a text string in your query to get any format other than the one configured in MBPM. (There may be alternate ways, but this is the one I'd likely take without additional guidance.)

  • But in this way i wasn't able to sort the column by datetime.

    I'm trying to find a solution to change the default datetime format for datetime columns.

  • I believe if you want the column to act as a date column, regardless of contents, but don't want to change the date format across the board I'm not sure you have much of a choice, unless your date format happens to also be an alpha sort (unlikely unless its yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss). (Again, I don't know if its possible for standardize the format across the board -- though we believe we found allowing users to see date/time in their country/local formats instead of a fixed format via a simple web.config setting (most installations probably have that enabled, we had out set to en-US for some reason))

  • Hi Alessandro,
    Date Columns can be formatted using TO_CHAR oracle or Cast SQL Server directly in the grid column. This avoid sort capabilities. If you want to keep some sort features, the form grids can depend on dropdown (Sort by Date Asc/Desc) or radio-buttons to allow the behavior you expect.
    (Works for 7.**** and 9.****)