MBPM 9 Code Activity Raise Flag Syntax


Hi Developers,
I'm struggling with bit of code. I guess the answer is obvious for many.
In code activity, I just want to send a variable content to an other process using a flag, here is my code.

string strVMaxActions="aaa";
List FlagListV = strVMaxActions.Split(',').ToList();

I just can't fix it.
Anyone got an example to provide ?
Many thanks,



  • What type of error or message are you getting and when (runtime, code validation, solution validation, etc.)?

    Logically I'd think that would work, as long as your flag has explicit parameters defined. V9 seems more strict about having to define flag parameters than V7, meaning each one must be defined as part of the flag itself.

    Personally I use Mstm.ListItems(....) in the Mstm.RaiseFlag() call itself, but its resulting type is still List, so I wouldn't think that shouldn't make a difference. (I also found I had to pass in an empty ListItem("") if there were no data elements to pass into the flag.)

  • Brian,
    You are the right person at the right moment,
    Many Thanks,